silhouette of boy running in body of water during sunset

Easter Update

Hey folks, happy Saturday!

Ah, Easter. One of the best times of the year. A time of hope, renewal and rebirth.

Always interesting how things go around this time of year. I don’t think I can remember the last boring Easter I had. Something always arises that resets my perspective on things.

This year, I think that would be great.

Not to delve into family drama, but I have some loved ones that are hurting right now. A change in perspective or a shift of fate is exactly what they need right now.

Knowing how the world seems to be going, I have a feeling we’re not the only ones.

So, with that in mind, I just wanted to say I hope you all have that change. Whether it’s a change in life or merely a change in perspective, I hope you all find yourselves renewed this weekend with hope and that your outlook shines brighter as we continue our march through the year.

For hose that are doing well, I pray that things continue, and that maybe you can find some time to share some of that joy with those around you.

In dark times, we all grasp for the sun, I think, and its an amazing feeling to share in that warmth with those nearest and dearest to us.

Whether you are religious or not, I pray this weekend rejuvenates us all and we can all be a little bit warmer as we race from the dark into the rising sun.

God bless you all, and I’ll have more to share next week on writing progress!

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